I am allergic to wheat proteins. Can I eat your products? - Fria

I am allergic to wheat proteins. Can I eat your products?

Unfortunately we can’t give a yes or no answer to this question.

Unlike coeliac disease, people with wheat allergies react to all wheat proteins, not only gluten proteins. The wheat starch production process primarily washes off the wheat’s gluten proteins – gliadin and glutenin. Wheat also contains other proteins, water, and salt-soluble albumins and globulins, which can remain in small quantities in gluten-free wheat starch. Since we don’t analyse the content of proteins other than gluten in wheat starch, we’re unable to guarantee that it would be completely free of all wheat proteins.

Many people with wheat allergies eat gluten-free wheat starch without any problems, while others must follow a strictly wheat-free diet. We recommend that you consult your doctor or dietician if you’re unsure of what you can eat.


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