FAQs – Questions and answers on Fria and our products – Fria

QUESTIONDo your products contain palm oil?


No, none of our products contain palm oil. Cinnamon buns and cinnamon rolls were the last products that contained palm oil, but since week 4 2022 they are also palm oil free.

QUESTIONDo you have any products that are low in sugar?


Many of our products have a low sugar content (<5%): Oat Loaf, Oat rolls, Lingonberry and Cranberry Loaf, Chia Seed Rolls, Fibre-Rich Toast, Multiseed Mini Baguettes, White Toast, Poppy Seed Rolls, Farmhouse loaf, Sourdough bread, Mini Baguettes and Burger buns.

QUESTIONWhy do you have additives in your products?


Additives are always used in foods for a particular function: to increase their shelf life (preservatives and antioxidants), to improve consistency (emulsifiers, stabilisers, thickeners, and anti-caking agents), or to enhance the colour and taste (colourants, flavour enhancers, and sweeteners).

Baking without gluten often means having to use more ingredients and additives to replace the gluten and the structure that gluten creates in the bread. The additives contained in our products are mainly thickeners and emulsifiers that are present in many common foods. Thickeners are used to create a good consistency while emulsifiers are needed to mix the water and oil effectively.

Thickeners used in our products:
• Locust bean gum (E410) – obtained from seeds of the carob tree.
• Guar gum (E412) – obtained from seeds of the guar plant.
• Tara gum (E417) – obtained from seeds of a legume.
• Pectin (E422) – extracted from e.g. orange or lemon peel, where pectin occurs naturally.
• Cellulose gum (E466) – obtained from cellulose (a kind of carbohydrate).

Emulsifiers used in our products:
• Lecithin (rapeseed) (E322) – lecithin can be obtained from rapeseed, soybean, sunflower, or egg yolk. We use lecithin extracted from rapeseed in our products.
• Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids (vegetable origin) (E471) – have the same function as lecithin but are produced from distilled vegetable fatty acids.

QUESTIONI am allergic to wheat proteins. Can I eat your products?


Unfortunately we can’t give a yes or no answer to this question.

Unlike coeliac disease, people with wheat allergies react to all wheat proteins, not only gluten proteins. The wheat starch production process primarily washes off the wheat’s gluten proteins – gliadin and glutenin. Wheat also contains other proteins, water, and salt-soluble albumins and globulins, which can remain in small quantities in gluten-free wheat starch. Since we don’t analyse the content of proteins other than gluten in wheat starch, we’re unable to guarantee that it would be completely free of all wheat proteins.

Many people with wheat allergies eat gluten-free wheat starch without any problems, while others must follow a strictly wheat-free diet. We recommend that you consult your doctor or dietician if you’re unsure of what you can eat.

QUESTIONIt says “gluten-free wheat starch” in the ingredients list. Is it really gluten-free?


Gluten-free wheat starch is produced by washing off the gluten from wheat flour. The process splits the wheat flour into two different parts, starch and water-insoluble gluten. The washing process is so thorough that the starch that remains contains a maximum of 20 mg gluten/kg. This type of wheat starch is approved for use in the production of gluten-free products in accordance with the rules of Codex Alimentarius (approved in the EU, Canada, and the USA). The limit value of 20 ppm (parts per million) or 20 mg/kg for gluten-free products is the same regardless of whether the product is made of wheat starch, maize, rice or something else. We set high standards for our suppliers, and wheat starch purity is checked by way of regular analyses. The final products are also analysed to guarantee that the gluten content in all our products is below the threshold.

Coeliacs in the Nordic countries and the United Kingdom have been eating products with gluten-free wheat starch for 40 years, and several scientific studies have shown that the small intestine heals just as well on a wheat starch-based diet as on a natural gluten-free diet. Nevertheless, a minority of coeliacs cannot tolerate wheat starch, and neither we nor the experts are capable of explaining exactly why that is. The best guess is that it is a matter of sensitivity to another substance in the wheat that can create similar symptoms.

The reason why we use gluten-free wheat starch is because of its good baking properties. Gluten-free bread baked with gluten-free wheat starch often has a better texture and consistency. The taste experience more closely resembles bread containing gluten rather than bread based on rice or maize, for instance, which can contribute to a better quality of life for many coeliacs.

QUESTIONDo your products contain milk in any form?


Most of our products are free from milk and are produced in an environment free from lactose and milk protein. Only our ready-made Margherita, Ham & Mozzarella, and Pepperoni pizzas are topped with lactose-free cheese that does contain milk protein. Our ready-made pizzas are produced in separate facilities to avoid cross contamination.

QUESTIONMy teenage daughter has had coeliac disease since childhood and has now decided to become vegan. Can she still eat some of your products?


Your daughter can eat most of our products. Only the following products contain ingredients of animal origin: Our chocolate, apple, lemon, and gingerbread muffins, Brownie, and Pastry all contain eggs. Our ready-made Margherita, Ham & Mozzarella, and Pepperoni pizzas are topped with cheese that contains milk.

QUESTIONHow should I store the bread after I’ve thawed it?


Thawed bread is best stored at room temperature in a closed bag. We recommend not storing bread in the fridge, as bread goes bad quickest between -10 and +10 degrees.

QUESTIONI want a gluten-free, tasty, and nutritious bread that’s high in fibre. What do you recommend?


All our breads are good sources of dietary fibre, meaning that they contain more than 3 grams of fibre per 100 g. Our most fibre-rich breads are Fibre-Rich Toast and Multiseed Mini Baguettes, which both contain 6% dietary fibre. They are also unsweetened.